The Source is Seattle Public Schools’ online communication tool that allows parents, guardians and students access to schedules, attendance, assessment scores, and more.
To setup a Parent/Guardian Source account:
Parent and guardian Source accounts display attendance, assessment scores, Elementary Progress Reports, Secondary Performance Reports, secondary student assignment scores, SchoolPay, Schoology Access Codes and other information.
The video below explains how to set up a Source and Schoology account: Getting Started with Schoology for Families
Before you setup your account:
To set up a parent or guardian Source account
If you have questions or need help please email
ውድ ወላጆች እና አሳዳጊዎች,
ምንጭ የሚፈቅድ የሲያትል የህዝብ ትምህርት ቤቶች መስመር የመገናኛ መሣሪያ ነው ወላጆች, አሳዳጊዎች እና ተማሪዎች መርሐግብር, ክትትል, ግምገማ ውጤቶች ላይ መድረስ እና ተጨማሪ! ሁለተኛ ደረጃ ተማሪ ክፍሎች ምንጭ ላይ ደግሞ ናቸው. ተማሪዎች ምንጭ ለመድረስ ያላቸውን ትምህርት ቤት የተመደበ የተጠቃሚ ስም እና የይለፍ ቃል ይጠቀሙ.
አንድ ወላጅ ወይም አሳዳጊ ምንጭ መለያ ለማዋቀር:
ጥያቄዎች ካሉዎት ወይም ኢሜይል እባክዎ እርዳታ ከፈለጉ
Gacaliyeyaal Waalidiinta iyo Wakiilada,
Source waa Dugsiyada Dadweynaha Seattle ‘qalab online isgaarsiinta u ogolaanaya waalidiinta, mas’uuliyiinta iyo ardayda u helaan jadwalka, imaanshaha, natiijada qiimeynta iyo oo dheeraad ah! Fasalada ardayga Sare ayaa sidoo kale on Source ah. Ardayda isticmaalaan username dugsiga loo xilsaaray iyo password si ay u helaan Source ah.
Sidee si aad u bilowdo:
Si aad sameysataa xisaab waalidka ama mas’uulka Source ah:
Haddii aad qabtid su’aalo ama u baahan tahay caawimo fadlan email
Estimados padres y tutores,
La Fuente es una herramienta de comunicación en línea Escuelas Públicas de Seattle que permite que los padres, tutores y estudiantes el acceso a los horarios, la asistencia, las puntuaciones de evaluación y ¡Más! Calificaciones de los estudiantes secundarios son también de la fuente. Los estudiantes usan su nombre de usuario asignado la escuela y la contraseña para acceder a la fuente.
Para configurar una cuenta de padre o tutor Fuente:
Si tiene preguntas o necesita ayuda por favor enviar por correo electrónico
Thưa quý phụ huynh và người giám hộ,
The Source là công cụ giao tiếp trực tuyến Seattle Public Schools’ cho phép các bậc cha mẹ, người giám hộ và sinh viên tiếp cận với lịch trình, tham dự, điểm đánh giá và hơn! Lớp học sinh trung học cũng đang trên Source. Học sinh sử dụng tên giao trường của họ và mật khẩu để truy cập vào mã nguồn.
Làm thế nào để bắt đầu:
Để thiết lập một tài khoản phụ huynh hoặc người giám hộ Nguồn:
Nếu bạn có thắc mắc hoặc cần giúp đỡ xin vui lòng gửi email cho
Students actively enrolled in SPS will receive a username and password from their school. If your student does not know their username, needs a password reset, or help logging in, contact a teacher or the school librarian.
Reminder: Students do not include “” when logging in to the Source. Example: 1student
Students are linked to your Source account when the Parent/Guardian check box is selected and your email address is identical on each student’s school Demographics record. If you have a Source account, but a student is missing, contact the school to update your email address and confirm the Parent/Guardian box is selected.
Approximately 30 minutes after information is updated, clear the cache on your browser, close, reopen and log in. The student should appear on your account.
Parent and guardian Source usernames are linked to the email address on record at each student’s school. To change or update your email address, contact the main office at each student’s school and provide the following information:
Allow 30 minutes for the change to sync with the Source, then set up your account with the new email address.
Elementary Progress Reports and Secondary Performance Reports are found on parent and guardian Source accounts only. If you are logging in with your student’s school account that begins with 1 and ends with you will not see this information.
Log in and locate Elementary Progress Reports or Secondary Performance Reports:
If you have trouble, clear the cache on your browser, close and reopen TWICE and try again. Or try a different browser.
Please review the FAQ about The Source below to see if the answers help resolve your issue:
Your Source username is the email address you provided for the school record. If you do not remember, please contact the school.
If you need further assistance, contact
If you do not receive an email from Source Support:
Log in to your Source account. Your student’s username will appear next to their photo.
In most cases, clearing the cache on your browser, closing and reopening TWICE will resolve the problem. You can also try using a different browser.
There is an App through our vendor, called PowerSchool mobile App.
The app does not include SPS customizations found on parent Source accounts including Assessment Scores, Report Cards and Progress Reports. If you wish to use the App, the SPS district code is: KDND
All notifications on the APP are all set to default on. To manage your notifications on the PowerSchool APP:
If you choose to use a Keychain to manage your Source password, at each log in, you may be asked if you would like to update the password. In order to use the stored password, you must select not now. SPS is unable to address problems parents and guardians may have with password storage software.
When using an iPhone to view Source Grade Details, some users may notice assignments are out of order. To resolve this, refresh the screen by clicking the curved arrow symbol at the top of the screen near the URL.
The Assignment Lookup Tool is available during enrollment. If you need assistance, please contact Admissions at 206-252-0760 or customer service.
Typically, if you get the extra dots and cannot log on, it is because you have forgotten your password, have a stored password you have not updated, or someone else used your device and stored a password. Try clearing your cache, delete the dots and type in your password. You may want to set your browser to not store passwords or try a different browser.
If you get a security violation or unauthorized message when trying to set up your Source account, it may be disabled. To resolve the problem:
The Admissions Office has limited international network access for students to official school breaks, like mid-winter or spring break and only upon request. Otherwise, students are to follow the attendance policy for in-person learning.
If you would like to request international network access during an official school break, please submit your request to with your student’s name and the dates of school break.