About the Properties of the ADF Bindings

When you create a databound component using the Data Control Palette, JDeveloper adds metadata to the UIModel.xml file defined for your view-controller project. The metadata determines the default display characteristics of each databound UI component and sets properties for the binding object at runtime. You can work with the data binding metadata through:

Additionally, each binding's implementing class defines methods that give you access to runtime information about the binding. You can work with runtime-specific properties through:

The following sections describe the runtime properties for each Oracle ADF binding type:

Generic Runtime Properties for All Action and Value Bindings

The oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.DCControlBinding class provides accessor methods for these properties that are accessible by all value bindings:

Action Binding Runtime Properties

The oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlActionBinding class provides accessor methods for these properties of method-type action bindings that you can work with:

And you can work with the generic properties defined by the root class DCControlBinding .

Attribute Binding Runtime Properties

The oracle.jbo.uicli.binding.JUCtrlAttrsBinding class defines no properties of its own.

However, you can work with these properties defined by the class hierarchy of the attribute binding:

And you can work with the generic properties defined by the root class DCControlBinding .

Boolean Binding Runtime Properties

However, you can work with these properties defined by the class hierarchy of the Boolean binding: