Short Writing Prompts

Even though the Of Mice and Men unit may culminate with a major scholarly paper, short writing prompts (150-200 words) should be given throughout the unit. The prompts can be both broad and specific. Students should be made to feel comfortable with these prompts, even though (time permitting) some will read them out loud. The student audience will be encouraged to respond and take notes.

NOTE TO TEACHERS: Any of the writing topics in this section can be expanded into full-length essays (word length and completion time at the discretion of teachers). These short writing prompts can also be used as discussion topics , journal entries, or as advance organizers .

Types of essays can include:

Materials Needed/Preparation

Estimated Time

Each short writing prompt can be assigned and completed in one or two homework assignments.


Provide some ideas and ask students to write about some (as much as can be covered during the unit) of these topics:

Ongoing (before or during the reading of the novel):

Section 1 (pp.1-16):

Section 2 (pp. 17-37):

Section 3 (pp.38-65):

Section 4 (pp. 66-83):

Section 5 (pp. 84-98):

Section 6 (pp. 99-107):

After reading the novel:

Post Activity/Takeaways/Follow-up




Common Core State Standards Met